Heart to Heart Connection
Friday and Saturday, July 23 and 24, 2021
Live-streamed and in person at Unity Atlanta
Our annual leadership trainings are a perfect opportunity for learning and fellowship for board members, lay leaders, youth directors, music directors and Licensed Teachers as well as Unity ministers.
This year we are gratefully hosted in person by Unity Atlanta. All programs are being held in their spacious sanctuary. The entire weekend event will be live-streamed to the UMMAS Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Please sign up
Send an email to pam@unityatl.org
and let her know how many are in your group.
Unity Atlanta
3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
6:30 – 7:00pm | Gathering and Light Refreshments |
7:00 – 9:00pm | Inspirational Program |
8:30 – 9:00am | Gathering and Fellowship |
9:00 – 11:30am | Workshop: Ethics for Spiritual Leadership |
11:30am – 1:00pm | Lunch on your own |
1:15 – 1:30pm | Welcome Back and Love Offering |
1:30 – 3:15pm | Workshop: Trans 101 |
3:15 – 3:30pm | Closing Circle and Prayer |
Saturday Morning: Ethics and Boundaries
Ethics for Spiritual Leadership
With Rev. Charline Manuel
This workshop is designed as an overview to understanding and addressing Ethics in ministry. Emphases is placed on the unique complexities of moral issues facing those in Spiritual leadership. We will examine topics most of us do not take the time to discuss and process, unless or until, we are in the middle of a crises of integrity or character – our own, someone close to us, a congregant, or a colleague. We’ll develop a personal plan to approach those areas where we may be vulnerable or exposed to ethical dilemmas that can cause difficulty in our ministries and our own personal lives. This workshop is ideal for all ministry leaders, board members, lay leaders, and volunteers. Participants will be guided in pathways that encourage, teach, and model sound moral and ethical integrity personally and in ministry. The workshop is presented to assist leaders with clear next steps for their ministry and a written Plan of Action for Increased Ministerial Ethics.
In this workshop you will learn about:
- The unique moral role of spiritual leadership
- Ethical responsibilities of all those who serve in spiritual leadership roles
- Faith, Family and Finance
- Integrity times four
- Strengthening your Personal Moral Immune System
- Understanding Temptation, Vulnerability and Exposure
- Saying Goodbye with Grace and Honor

Rev. Charline Manuel has been an ordained Unity minister for over 25 years. She served as a Senior Minister for twenty-two years until 2017. Today, Rev. Charline is a Board and Leadership consultant working to train church boards and their leadership teams based on her book The Power of One Accord. She has served on the faculty for the Unity Urban Ministerial School since 2012. Rev. Charline serves on several Boards including “Unity World Headquarters” and on the Board of “The Parliament of the World’s Religions” where she serves as co-chair for the Global Ethic Task Force. She has authored 8 books including: Boardroom Culture Shock, Pray Up Your Life, The Metaphysics of Shoes and a children’s book: Do Puppies Pray? She makes her home in Orlando, FL.
Saturday Afternoon: Inclusivity and Diversity
Trans 101: Understanding and Interacting Respectfully with Gender Diverse Children, Youth and Adults
With Gabrielle Clairborne and Rev. Linda Herzer
Through this interactive training you will develop a foundational understanding of who transgender, gender nonconforming and non-binary (TGNCNB) people are and what words and actions feel respectful to them. Your head knowledge will be enhanced by heart connection as you hear the lived experiences of TGNCNB people. You will also learn what’s involved in the transitioning process for children, youth and adults and be directed to resources for making your congregation more welcoming to gender diverse people and their families.

Gabrielle Claiborne and Rev. Linda Herzer are co-founders of Transformation Journeys Worldwide, an inclusion training and consulting firm with a transgender focus. They help corporations, non-profits, medical and mental healthcare providers and educational and religious organizations become fully trans and non-binary inclusive. Gabrielle a TEDx speaker and author of a “memoir meets self-help” book, Embrace Your Truth: A Journey of Authenticity. Rev. Linda is the author of The Bible and the Transgender Experience: How Scripture Supports Gender Variance.
A block of rooms is reserved at the Hampton Inn, 440 Technology Parkway NW, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092. The discounted rate for UMMAS is $79 per night plus tax (approximately $95 for one night).
The hotel’s phone number is 1-770-729-0015.