Wednesday morning, January 19 ~ 10:30 am ET
Thursday evening, January 27 ~ 6:30 pm ET
Sponsored by Unity Worldwide Ministries Southeast Region
Presented by Living Room Conversations.
Living Room Conversations works to heal society by connecting people across divides – politics, age, gender, race, nationality, and more – through guided conversations proven to build understanding and transform communities.
Register now for practical training in managing difficult conversations: in church, at home, and with friends.
- 2-Hour Training
- Conversation Agreements create a safe container for the conversation
- Tips for organizing and convening conversation within a faith community.
- How to adapt our resources for conversations for larger groups
- Best Practices for Conversation Hosts – LRC staff will model the hosting technique, using a guide of the group’s choosing. Q&A
- What to do when a conversation starts to go off-track
- Tips for hosting a conversation around race
- $75 per viewing group
Visit the Living Room Conversations website.