Spiritual Cafe with Revs. Bil and Cher Holton

Exciting Spiritual Café on October 23rd, 10:00AM
In Person only, no recording!

Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity, 1405 Autumn Ridge Dr., Durham, NC 27712

Join Timber Hawkeye, bestselling author of Buddhist Boot Camp, Faithfully Religionless, and The Opposite of Namaste, for a free book talk, discussion, and Q&A. Discover the benefits of mindfully living at peace with the world (both within and around us). Mindfulness doesn’t make other people less irritating; it makes us less irritable. It’s not about living in a bubble where nobody pushes your buttons, it’s about getting to a point where you don’t have any buttons that can be pushed. As Timber says: Sit Happens!

Everyone is welcome. Space limited — first come, first served. Doors open at 10:00 am ET; the program begins promptly at 10:30 and ends at noon, ET.

More at https://www.facebook.com/events/476921544359305